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Information for students
Anti-bullying ambassadors
We have a team of Anti Bullying Ambassadors that will be available to help and support you. They are in Year 7-10 so if you are interested in joining the group of students then speak with your Head of Learning.
All appointments should be made out of school time. If you have an unavoidable appointment such as at the hospital, you must bring in a note from a parent and a copy of the medical letter. All notes must be signed by your Head of Learning first thing in the morning before school. Students must sign out of school at reception. A parent or carer must collect you from school and sign you out. You are expected to be in school before and after any appointment, allowing for travelling time.
Assemblies take place every week. Year 7 and Year 9 are scheduled for a Wednesday at 14:50 to 15:20 and Year 8 and Year 10 start at the same time but on a Thursday. The assembly focuses on our key values and ‘The Big Question’. Assemblies are delivered by the Head of Learning, a member of the Leadership Group and occasionally an external speaker is invited to deliver a particular topic. Students are often asked to participate by stating their appreciation for a member of staff using SHAPE (acronym to support effective oracy). Students are expected to sit with their class using ‘SLANT’. This is a quiet time for reflection and participation and successes, for both learning and other personal achievements, are celebrated with individual student awards.
You are expected to be present in school every day. You should only be off school if you are very ill. If you are ill, it should be a rare occurrence. Anyone who takes a lot of time off school misses out on learning and it affects their grades and life chances. Phone calls must be made to the absence line each and every day you are absent from school. A parent who does not make sure their child has good attendance is referred to the Local Authority and faces fines and can possibly be taken to court. Holidays are not permitted in school time.
Banned items
The following items are banned in school:
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices
- Headphones
- Chewing gum
- Non-standard uniform items including bandanas
- Energy and high sugar drinks
- Large sharing bags of crisps, chocolate and other unhealthy food items
Items will be confiscated and will either be disposed of or given to your Student Manager who will log the item and then return to a parent or carer at a time convenient to the school.
The following items are prohibited in school:
- Offensive weapons such as knives and anything which is intended to cause harm to someone else
- Drugs and alcohol
- Fireworks, lighters, matches
- Tobacco products including E-Cigarettes
- Stolen Items
- Pornographic images
Items such as these will be reported to the police. The Headteacher may add to the list of banned or prohibited items as appropriate. Possession of these items can lead to permanent exclusion.
Behaviour expectations
We expect our students to behave well. We expect students to:
- arrive on time to school and lessons
- be in correct uniform, which includes having their shirt tucked in, ties done up properly and wearing CCS Blazer. Students wearing a hijab and/or headscarf should purchase the CCS embroidered hijab/headscarf from Ian Howard (see uniform policy).
- engage fully in lessons
- engage with DPR by logging on at least 5 times a week
- try hard to complete classwork and submit home learning tasks
- treat other students and the whole school community with respect
- follow instructions first time
- be helpful, honest and considerate
- show care and compassion to others
- be polite and respectful to staff and students (see TCS politeness policy)
- walk on the left in single file, follow the one-way system and remain quiet in the corridor
- maintain 1 metre social distancing
- adopt the SLANT position when requested
- engage with SHAPE and STEPS
- be clear of the area that surrounds the school 30 minutes after their school day ends
The canteen offers healthy and nutritious hot and cold food which we encourage all students to take full advantage of. Parents or carers should top up lunch money using Parent Mail. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, parents/carers need to apply online. Students are encouraged to eat their lunch in the canteen . All students and staff clear away their own crockery and cutlery and throw away their own refuse, making a friendly and clean environment for everyone. If you have comments or suggestions about how to improve the canteen, please email the Student Council.
Careers and work related learning
Do you know what you want to do when you leave school? Most people need help and guidance with this and thankfully we have a dedicated careers team on hand to help. You will receive information and advice about colleges, university and jobs when all students receive a careers interview and have the opportunity to do careers activities and workshops. See link for more information.
A wise person once said, ‘If you can change a classroom, you can change a community’. Think about how your classroom looks and feels. How are you contributing to it? Students should make sure classrooms and learning spaces are orderly and tidy. How can the space optimise your learning?
If you would like to change something about the classroom, please email the Student Council. If you would like to change something about learning, talk to your teacher
All students have a computer account and access to computers. Students using the computers agree to abide by the ICT and Safe Computer User Agreement. Never share your password with someone or leave your computer logged on. If you do so you will be responsible for any activity on your account including any emails that are sent.
Students move around the corridors in single file and on the left, without fuss. They follow the corridor rules. Please have a look at the signs on the wall. They tell you the unacceptable behaviours.
These are:
- No littering
- No mobile phones or headphones
- No physical contact ‘hands off
- No shouting or inappropriate language
- No running
- No lateness or lingering
- Uniform infringement
On the rare occasion students decide not to follow safe corridor rules, they will receive a slip which gives notice of a detention. If students act positively in the corridors they will receive a positive slip - for example for saying thank you or for holding doors open, letting people through and picking up litter. It really makes for a pleasant environment.
Sometimes students are given detentions. They are obligatory to attend - this means you MUST attend. If you have been given a detention, make sure you make a note of the date, time and location and inform your parent/carer so they know where you are after school hours. It is your responsibility to be present on time. The school has the power to set detentions for up to one hour after school and parents must support this. It’s the law.
You will be given a curriculum pathway in each subject. Your pathway is based on current and previous learning. You will be able to move to a different pathway if you show evidence of easily achieving your current pathway.
Pathway A - if consolidating or secure will result in a grade 7-9
Pathway B - if consolidating or secure will result in a grade 5-6
Pathway C - if consolidating or secure will result in a grade 3-4
Pathway D - if consolidating or secure will result in a grade 1-3
Pathway S - is personalised and works towards grade 1
We also run Pathway X for students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance.
You will have their own DPR username and password so that you can check on progress, communicate with teachers and access homework tasks.
Successful students come to school ready to learn. It is expected that you bring the following with you:
- Bag - CCS navy blue backpack
- Pencil case
- Blue or black pen
- Your own purple pen would be useful for peer-marking and redrafting
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Maths set including calculator
- Small dictionary
- A reading book
- PE kit on PE days
In class feedback
You will be provided with feedback regularly by your teacher. Live marking is used in all subjects. Most subjects use target codes to focus your efforts on areas to improve. Make sure you know what these target codes mean. After you have received feedback, you should improve it using a green pen. Make sure you act on your teacher’s feedback for improvement and try to achieve the target you have been assigned. Often you will be required to peer assess someone else’s work. Think carefully about your feedback and the important role you have in helping your peer or yourself to improve.
DPR feedback
Your DPR is updated by your teachers and you should check the progress of your learning on a regular basis. You may upload pieces of work as evidence for your teacher to consider so that you can move from ‘Emerging’ to ‘Secured’. Your teacher may provide feedback on your DPR; you should respond to this feedback so that you are engaging in developing specific key learning objectives. Feedback may be provided through the collaboration tool or through the voice functions; you need to check these and respond. You need to be logging on at least once every day.
Fitness suite
Cumberland Community School offers a state of the art fitness suite which students can access both as part of the PE curriculum and as shown on the Extra Curricular timetable.
Form tutors
Your form tutor is there to help you with day to day problems and to listen to you. You must find them if you need to tell them something. They would love to hear your good news too.
Free breakfast
ALL staff and students have access to a free magic breakfast Monday - Friday from 7.45am - 8.15am in the school canteen.
Golden Tickets
A Golden ticket is awarded each lesson by subject teachers to students who demonstrate outstanding effort and commitment during lessons. Golden Tickets can be collected, saved then used to spend on prizes in the Golden Tickets Rewards shop.
Click here for more information.
All students will receive some form of extra intervention during their time at school. Sometimes it is during the school day and often it is after school. When you are in Year 11 you will be expected to attend after school most evenings for targeted support with your work. This is a privilege and something that would cost a lot of money if you had a private tutor. It will help you get a better job in the future. Thankfully in school it is free. It is your responsibility to make sure you arrive on time and prepared. Make sure you have reminded everyone at home where you will be and what time you will be finished.
This is the reason why we are here. If there is anything that is affecting your learning, please speak to your Form Tutor, Student Manager or Head of Learning.
Letters to and from home
Letters are sent home using email. Please make sure we have your parents’ email address. Remind them to check their email regularly.
The library opening hours are, Monday to Thursday 8.00am - 4.00pm and on Fridays 8.00am - 3.00pm. The library is open before school, during break, lunch and after school.
The Library is well stocked with resources that support the curriculum, including a computer suite of 15 computers and 20 laptops.
Students are allowed to borrow two books for two weeks but can renew them at any time. If the student is an avid reader, they can borrow up to six books at the discretion of the librarian
At CCS we have a reading programme called accelerated reading from Renaissance Learning in which our year 7 & 8 students take part in for two years. Students sit an initial reading test which generates a reading age and an individual care plan.
Line up
To minimise corridor congestions after lunchtimes, students line up in the main playground at the start of the day as well as at the end of break and lunch. When the first bell goes, students make their way to the main playground and they find their respective class in the playground. Students line up quietly and they wait for their teacher who will escort them into the building in silence.
Lost property
Lost property should be taken to the front office where it will be logged and returned to its rightful owner. If you have lost anything, please go to the front office first. To avoid misplacing items, please make sure all uniform has been marked with your name. All unclaimed lost property will be displayed at the end of each term. Any items remaining by the holidays will be donated to charity.
Lunchtime clubs and activities
At CCS we aim to develop students as a whole and this means providing opportunities for to work on physical, mental and social wellbeing through enrichment activities and clubs. Click here for the full timetable.
If you have medical needs, please make sure your parents or carers have informed the school. Any medication that you have to take during the school day should be given to the First Aider in a sealed named bag. Your medical condition will be discussed with your parents and a care plan may be needed, and a school nurse referral will be made. If you hurt yourself or fall ill during the school day, you can go to the First Aid Room. Your teacher or other staff member will call for First AIder to come and collect you from the classroom, corridor or outside area. Most of the time the ailment can be treated in school and you can carry on with learning. If you are really hurt or ill, your parents or carers may be called to accompany you home. Please make sure all phone numbers on the school system are up to date and there are at least two contacts available
There is a mentoring period twice a week with your form tutor. During this time you will have assemblies, citizenship and PSHE activities, including silent reading. Please make sure you have a reading book with you at all times.
Merits are awarded for effort and achievement. You may also get a merit if you are helpful or contribute to wider school life. When you have a certain number of merits you receive a lapel pin and a letter home. You can get more information and check your reward points by clicking here.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not permitted to be seen in school. If a member of staff sees, or hears, a mobile phone at any time on the school premises, it will be confiscated and you will receive a detention. Your phone will only be returned to a parent or carer and this will be done at a time convenient for the school.
Our motto “Determined, ambitious learners” illustrates the focus, of both the school and the Trust, on promoting a culture of the highest aspiration and achievement, focusing on the development of each student to achieve their full potential.
Parent Mail
This is the school's cashless payment system. All students must have a Parent Mail account set up to enable them to access school meals, for the purchase of other school items as well as trips and visits. Students will each be issued with a contactless payment card linked to their Parent Mail account which will allow them to purchase food in the canteen.
We expect all our students to engage positively with peers, teachers and visitors to the school. Polite, respectful and helpful behaviour is rewarded through the issuing of a corridor slip and/or logging a merit on the behaviour watch system.
In year 9, you will have the opportunity to become a prefect. Prefects are ambassadors for Cumberland Community School and support the day to day running of our community. They are also available to help and support you. You will recognise them as they wear either gold or light blue ties
Presentation of work
Neat work is really important. It shows that you have taken care and given the right amount of attention. It also helps your teacher read what you have written. Please make sure you have a black pen, pencil and ruler and that you follow the school’s presentation policy. You can find an example page to help with your presentation in this planner.
You must be in school before 8:30am*. If you arrive after this time, you will be marked as late. This will have an effect on your learning and will result in a 1 hour detention for you at the end of the day. Be on time!
School trips
School trips happen throughout the year. Have a look at the school calendar on the website for planned trips for your year group. You must make sure you bring in the permission slip and any money required in plenty of time.
3-2-1 SLANT is a strategy used by teachers to bring the class together and ensure all students are focused on learning. It stands for:
S - Sit/Stand up straight
L - Listen carefully
A - Ask/Answer questions
N - Never interrupt
T - Track the speaker
Social media
To keep up to date with what’s going on at the school, please follow our social media pages on Twitter @Cumberlandcst.
At Cumberland Community School we offer a wide range of sports as part of the curriculum. For more information, see our club’s noticeboard, or ask your PE teacher or check on the website here.
Student council
How often do the Student Council and prefects meet?
Twice a month, Friday after school.
Who normally runs each meeting?
It’s run by the students for the students.
What is the purpose of Student Council?
This is a place for students to have their voices heard. Be the change you want to see!
Personal presentation is important in the world of work and we want to make sure that every Cumberland student develops a sense of pride in how they look.
CCS uniform expectations: all uniform items must be plain, without accessories, logos, decoration or any other colours.
All students are expected to adhere to the following uniform expectations:
- Blazer: navy blue CCS blazer with logo, must be worn at all times in the building
- Shirt: plain white shirt with collar, must be tucked in
- Tie: CCS tie, worn to the waist. Two stripes must be visible
- Jumper (optional): CCS V-Neck with logo
- Trousers: plain navy blue, tailored, regular fit (no denim, coloured pocket zips)
- Skirt: plain navy blue, knee-length, pleated with logo
- Socks or tights: plain black or navy
- Shoes: plain black leather school shoes, providing adequate protection and support (no casuals, fabric, canvas, trainers, sandals, pumps, ‘work type’ shoes e.g. Dr Martens boots, high heels, boots, coloured laces, coloured stitching)
- Coat: plain navy blue or black, to be removed in class with the hood down in the building (no leather, suede, denim, hoody, sweatshirt, sports top, body warmer or gilet)
- Abaya: Plain navy blue and must have the school logo (can be purchased from Ian Howard)
PE Kit
- Cumberland Community School white PE polo shirt
- Cumberland Community School navy track suit or navy shorts
- Navy socks
- Trainers
Jewellery, decoration and other items
- A single necklace or bracelet for religious reasons
- Earrings: small plain studs, matching pair or single
- Hair fasteners: allowed and should be either plain black or blue
- Belts: belt buckles should not be oversized or emblazoned with logos
- Make-up: to be modest and discreet (no lipstick, false eyelashes, acrylic nails, concealer, eye shadow, nail varnish)
- Hats: plain black woollen hat and gloves, only to be worn outside the buildings during cold weather (no baseball caps, visors or any type of bandana)
- Bag: navy blue with the school logo (can be purchased from Ian Howard)
- No scarves, snoods (neck warmers) to be worn in the school, with the exception of a head scarf which must be plain navy blue
- No metal afro combs are to be onsite
- No facial or body jewellery, unnatural hair colour, tattoos, false nail extensions
- No anklets
- Masks are optional in lessons
We expect all students to be in correct uniform. Students who choose to disobey the uniform expectations will be sanctioned for deliberate defiance of school rules. The school may confiscate items of clothing worn to school in defiance of these expectations. In some cases the school may provide an alternative or send the student home to rectify the problem. The parent/carer will be informed that an item has been confiscated and that the item is not permitted in the school and will only be returned to a parent/carer.
The school’s uniform supplier is Ian Howard 409 Barking Rd, East Ham, London E6 2JT.
Tel: 020 8472 1729